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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Afraid to Fail

Its apart of life, failure that is, we all experience it yes it sucks but it teaches us what to do what not to do and how to do it. Being afraid to fail can make a person a failure its sounds weird but bear with me.
If your afraid to fail in most cases you wont even try and if you wont even try it will never get anything done.

I've seen this happen a lot of times with people I know personally, one of my best friend is like that
he will never give u a straight answer or honest input unless someone else does it first he waits for someone else's answer before saying “hey thats what I was gonna say” ( yea right). I'm assuming this came about from his many failed attempts at trying to answer a question correctly or being embarrassed when someone said no you fool !I don't know but thats what I can come up with :) .

Failure is apart of life it hurts I know :( its a feeling you would never want to experience again but that should never stop a person from trying go out there and give it your best learn from your experiences and become a better person in the process.

If you don't push yourself you will never know how far you can go and if your afraid to fail in most cases you will never even try.

Note to readers: This is my first time blogging it will get better I promise I'm just venting

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